- Specimens by Price
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- $11-25
Sphalerite with Pyrite, Mexico - Item # MSSPA-001
Calcite after Glauberite Pseudomorph - Item MSCAL-005
Fluorite, Pakistan - Item MSFLU-009
Fluorite and Albite, Pakistan - Item MSFLU-008
Fluorite, Pakistan - Item MSFLU-007
Tourmaline, Pakistan - Item MSTOU010
Quartz Crystals, Namibia - Item MSQUA008
Tourmaline, Namibia - Item MSTOU026
Tourmaline with Feldspar, Namibia - Item MSTOU027
Tourmaline with Manganite, Namibia - Item MSTOU030
Quartz Crystals, Namibia - Item MSQUA-010
Orthoclase Crystals, Namibia - Item# MSFEL-002
Calcite, Pugh Quarry - Item MSCAL-008
Calcite, Pugh Quarry - Item MSCAL-014
Goethite, Iron Co, MI - Item MSGOE004
Smoky Quartz Crystals on Orthoclase, Namibia - MSSMQ-008
Quartz with Siderite - Item MSQUA-013
Callaghanite, Houghton Co, MI - Item MSCLL001
Goethite, Mexico - Item MSGOE013
Goethite, Mexico - Item MSGOE014
Goethite, Mexico - Item MSGOE015
Goethite, Graves Mountain, GA - Item MSGOE016
Goethite, Graves Mountain, GA - Item MSGOE018
Goethite, Graves Mountain, GA - Item MSGOE019
Goethite, Bessie Mine - Item MSGOE024
Barite, Mexico - Item MSBAR-003
Fluorite with Barite, Canada - Item MSFLU012
Smoky Quartz Crystal, MT - Item MSSMQ007
Aragonite, Morocco - Item# MSARA-001
Calcite, Groveland Mine, MI - Item MSCAL006
Calcite on Dolomite, Groveland Mine, MI - Item MSCAL-022
Aragonite, Morocco - Item MSARA-003
Conichalcite, Michigan - Item MSCON-008
Tourmaline on Albite, Pakistan - Item MSTOU-032
Aragonite, Morocco - Item MSARA-006
Fluorite and Pyrite, Morocco - Item MSFLU-021
Tourmaline and Albite, Pakistan - Item MSTOU-037
Brochantite, Mexico - Item MSBRO-003
Dolomite, Michigan - Item MSDOL-008
Calcite, Mexico - Item MSCAL-028
Heulandite, India - Item MSHEU-001
Apophyllite and Stilbite, India - Item MSAPO-004
Apophyllite and Stilbite, India - Item MSAPO-007
Apophyllite and Stilbite, India - Item MSAPO-008
Prehnite and Mordenite, India - Item MSPRE-001
Heulandite, India - Item MSHEU-002
Apophyllite and Stilbite, India - Item MSAPO-017
Apophyllite, India - Item MSAPO-018
Apophyllite and Stilbite, India - Item MSAPO-19
Apophyllite, India - Item MSAPO-020
Selenite, Oklahoma - Item MSSEL-015
Selenite, Mexico - Item MSSEL-017
Hematite, Michigan - Item MSHEM-030
Hematite, Michigan - Item MSHEM-031
Barite, England - Item MSBAR-012
Dolomite and Quartz, Michigan - Item MSDOL-001
Dolomite,Calcite, and Quartz, Michigan - Item MSDOL-005
Celestite, Nebraska - Item MSCEL-003
Celestite, Nebraska - Item MSCEL-004
Celestite, Nebraska - Item MSCEL-005
Celestite, Michigan - Item MSCEL-006
Selenite, Oklahoma - Item MSSEL-024
Pargasite in Marble, Vietnam - Item MSPAR-001
Selenite, Mexico - Item MSSEL-025
Pyrite, Spain - Item MSPYM-004
Pyrite, Peru - Item MSPYM-006